Sunday, April 6, 2014

More on Tombstone

There is so much in such a little part of town. Everything is within a 2 to 6 minute walking distance.

1) So I chose to start with the Birdcage Theater - where actors used to get shot at if the outlaws didn't like their performance.
There is a parking lot across the street. The place is open from 8 to 6 and it is said to be haunted. I guess you can schedule ghost tours at night, but we won't be there that long.

2)Then stop at the Tombstone Epitaph Museum just at the time when it is opening - 9:30. Admission is free and the website is the same as the OK Corral. The Epitaph was the first paper published in Tombstone by John Clum, who also became the first city mayor in 1881.

3)Hurry to the OK Corral and purchase tickets for the gun fight. Then head to the Rose Tree Inn Museum. It has no website, so everything I get about it is comments of other people.  Fodors claims the cost is $5.00 a person. Somewhere else a reviewer says it was tree planted by a widow about 100 years ago. Who knows.

4)The Courthouse Sate Historic Park charges $5.00 a person and it is open 9-5.

5)Walk back 5 minutes to eat at the famous Crystal Place. there are plenty of other places to visit there. Crystl Palace just happened to be Dean's

6)Walk to the OK Corral and Historama. $10.00 a person
7) The Boot Hill Cemetery. It is free - but its opening hours are confusing.
Each website will say something different. Some websites say 7-5, others 7:30- 6.
It's own website says from 7:30 till dusk.

Well, it is a 15 minute walk to the cemetery, so as long as I leave the place before 4, so we have at least 1 hour at the hospital.
Of course on the way there, we shout stop at St. Pauls Episcopal Church - the first protestant church still standing and in operation in the place..

Here are the two websites that helped me build this itinerary:
state parks and tombstone web, taken out of the city hall website


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